Add New Templates
Simplebim templates are Excel files that follow a certain structure. Because of this all new templates should be created from the Simplebim Excel “template template”. You have several options for creating new templates.
- Clicking on the Add New Template button in the IFC Import section of the Simplebim startup screen. This will create a new template and automatically install it.
- Click on the Add New Template button at the bottom of the list of installed templates in the IFC Import section of the Simplebim startup screen. This will create a new template and automatically install it.
- Create a copy of an exiting template by clicking on the Copy button that appears when you hover over a installed template in the IFC Import section of the Simplebim startup screen. This will create a new template by copying the existing template and automatically installs the copy.
- Double click on the Simplebim Excel template that is installed in the Templates sub-folder of the Simplebim installation folder. The default location is “C:\Program Files\Datacubist\Simplebim 10\Templates” and the template file name “Simplebim Template.xltx”.
- In Windows Explorer make a copy of an existing template.