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Export Configuration in Template

IFC Export Settings –section

With IFC export settings you can control several aspects of the IFC export. The same settings can be found in the IFC Export Settings dialog in Simplebim.

IFC File MarkTextFreeThe text that is appended in brackets to the name of the imported IFC file at export. Default is “EDITED”
Export Space BoundariesYes/NoYes/NoExport the space boundaries that are present in the imported IFC model? NOTE: Simplebim does not generate space boundaries if they are missing from the imported IFC model.
Export Wall-to-Wall ConnectionsYes/NoYes/NoExport the wall-to-wall connections that are present in the imported IFC model? NOTE: Simplebim does not generate wall-to-wall connections if they are missing in the imported IFC model.
Export GridsYes/NoYes/NoExport the design grid objects that are present in the imported IFC model?
Export Colors of 3D ObjectsYes/NoYes/NoExport the colors used for objects in Simplebim, i.e. the colors you see in the Simplebim 3D window? If No, then no color information will be exported.
Export Legacy Colors of 3D ObjectsYes/NoYes/NoExport the colors used for objects in Simplebim, i.e. the colors you see in the Simplebim 3D window using an old encoding that is required or works better in some applications. NOTE: You can try ‘Legacy Colors’ if ‘Colors’ does not work for you.
Export 3D Objects with no or Invalid GeometryYes/NoYes/NoExport 3D objects that have no geometry at all or have invalid geometry.
Exclude Openings of Excluded 3D ObjectsYes/NoYes/NoExclude opening elements / holes for excluded 3D objects? Examples: For architectural models used in structural design you may want to exclude doors and windows, but want to include their openings. For structural models used for design coordination you may want to exclude both bolts and bolt holes.
Exclude all OpeningsYes/NoYes/NoExclude opening elements / holes for all 3D objects. Examples: For architectural models used as part of a city/campus model you can exclude all opening. For structural models with bolt holes that are not associated with bolts you can exclude the holes but keep the bolts.
Optimize Shared GeometriesYes/NoYes/NoIn IFC several objects with the same geometry can share a geometry definition. This often improves the performance of the receiving application. Simplebim can optimize the model by finding shared geometries even if they are not shared in the original IFC model. NOTE: If this setting is No any shared geometries already existing in the original model will still be exported.
Export Model InformationYes/NoYes/NoIf this setting is on then the name and time stamp of the model from which an object originates will be written as properties to each object. (Yes/No, default = No)

NOTE: This setting is only makes sense for merged models, i.e. models that contain objects from several original models.