Simplebim Cloud Editions 2024.1
Simplebim Cloud comes in three different editions, which all include a different set of features.
All Editions come with basic Simplebim Cloud automation features like automatically triggering the processing from your own data storage, monitoring, logging and reporting.
Standardize Edition
The Standardize Edition is meant for basic BIM data wrangling. Here are the included features:
- Import
- IFC model import
- IFC model merge
- Placements
- Model Placement (template)
- Move and Rotate -tool
- Cleaning up
- Remove unwanted objects and properties (template)
- Exclude Duplicates -tool
- Exclude Far Away Objects -tool
- Delete Materials -tool
- Group Delete -tool
- Export
- IFC model export
- Export to Excel -tool
- Export to Data Table -tool (CSV)
- Standardize
- Add your own properties (template)
- Set, copy and modify property data (template)
- Calculate Properties for Objects -tool
- Calculate Basic Quantities -tool
- Add Min and Max Elevation and Center Point -tool
- Classify
- Building element grouping (template)
- Building element classification (template)
- Group Rename -tool
- Group Trim Name -tool
- Colorize
- Set building element colors (template)
- Reset Colors -tool
- Manage Data Structures
- Auto-Assign Containment: Building Storeys -tool
- Auto-Assign Containment: Spaces -tool
- Convert Objects -tool
- Validate
- Validate data (template)
- Connect
- Microsoft OneDrive -connector
- Dropbox -connector
Enrich Edition
The Enrich Edition builds on the Standardize Edition, adding various enrichment possibilities. Here are the included features:
- All features from the Standardize Edition
- Enrich
- Enrich data (template)
- Bimsheet: Enrich -tool
- Calculate Properties for Containers -tool
- Calculate Properties for Groups -tool
- Proximity -tool (coming soon)
- Add Appearance Information -tool
- Add Geometry Information -tool
- Add Geometry Tags -tool
- Enrich with Quantities
- Calculate Quantities: Dimensions -tool
- Calculate Quantities: Volumes -tool
- Calculate Quantities: Surface Areas -tool
- Calculate Quantities: Shadow Quantities -tool
- Calculate Quantities: Openings -tool
- Calculate Quantities: Space Surfaces -tool
- Export
- IFC model export (multiple IFC models)
- Bimsheet: Export -tool
- Placements
- Helmert Transformation -tool
- Classify
- Auto grouping (template)
- Group Merge -tool
- Manage Data Structures and Geometry
- Assemblies: Simplify
- Assemblies: Remove
- Anonymizer -tool
- Delete Empty Containers -tool
- Edit GUIDs: Create New Guids -tool
- Edit GUIDs: Repair Duplicate and Invalid GUIDs -tool
- Boxify -tool
- Brep Converter -tool
- Define Locations
- Merge Model -tool (Location Prisms)
- Split Geometries -tool (define locations)
- Find Overlaps
- Overlapping Objects -tool
- Validate
- IDS validation (coming soon)
- Connect
- Trimble Connect -connector (coming soon)
Derive Edition
Derive Edition add to the Enrich Edition with various options for deriving new data and objects into the models. Here are the included features:
- All the features from the Standardize and Enrich editions
- Calculate Quantities: Dimensions -tool (with derived objects)
- Calculate Quantities: Volumes -tool (with derived objects)
- Calculate Quantities: Surface Areas -tool (with derived objects)
- Calculate Quantities: Shadow Quantities -tool (with derived objects)
- Calculate Quantities: Openings -tool (with derived objects)
- Calculate Quantities: Space Surfaces -tool (with derived objects)
- Create Space Covering Objects -tool
- Overlapping Objects -tool (with derived objects)