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Add Property to Object Class or Group

In this section you can add new properties to Object Classes, Groups or Group Categories. You use the Identities defined on the Resources sheet for adding new properties.

Adding a property to an Object Class automatically includes that property in the model view. If you want to exclude the property you added, you must exclude it explicitly in the ‘Include/Exclude Property’ section of the ModelView worksheet. 

Object or Group [+]TextName or identity keyThe name or identity key of a Object Class, the name of an Object Group or the name of an Object Group Category.

NOTE: When you add a property to a Object Group the property is added to the Object Group itself, not to the objects contained by the group.

NOTE: When you add a property to an Object Group Category, the property is added to all groups in that category, also to groups that are later assigned to the category. Example: if you add property A to category X and later assign group N to category X, group N will automatically have property A.
Property [+]TextName or identity keyThe name or identity key of the Identity used for creating the new property
Property TypeChoiceThe type of the property. Allowed values are: Yes/No, Number,  Whole Number, Logical, Text and the various measure types, such as length, area and volume.
Single/ListChoiceThe aggregation of the property. Allowed values are: Single, List
Unit SymbolTextUnit symbolThe unit symbol of the property, e.g. mm – applies only to measure properties. Must be valid for the Unit Type, e.g. mm is valid for length, but not for area. If no Unit Symbol is given the Model Units are used, i.e. the property will have the Unit Symbol defined in the using of the model for the applicable Unit Type.