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This tool is part of Simplebim Prototypes addon. In order to use the tool, you need to download and install the addon from here.

Note that the Combiner is deprecated. There’s a new tool in Simplebim 10 called Calculate Properties, which replaces the Combiner.

Tool for combining text values from up to 5 properties using a formula. The functionality is similar to what can be done with the Property Value Combiner palette.

Configuration Options

Because this tool needs to be configured it can only be run from a template. This tool is not visible in the Tools drop-down menu of the ribbon.

OBJECTCLASSTextAny valid object class namehe name of the object class for which the property values are calculated.
ATextName or key of a text property that exists for the specified object classThe name or key of the first property used in the formula.
BTextName or key of a text property that exists for the specified object classThe name or key of the second property used in the formula. This key does not have to be given if the formula only uses one property.
CTextName or key of a text property that exists for the specified object classThe name or key of the third property used in the formula. This key does not have to be given if the formula only uses two properties.
DName or key of a text property that exists for the specified object classThe name or key of the fourth property used in the formula. This key does not have to be given if the formula only uses three properties.
EName or key of a text property that exists for the specified object classThe name or key of the fifth property used in the formula. This key does not have to be given if the formula only uses four properties.
FORMULATextThe formula used for calculating the value of the target propertyThe formula supports many of the text functions in Excel. The variables A, B, C, D and E may be used in the formula to represent the properties defined by the corresponding configuration keys.

The variables must be enclosed in square brackets like in the example below. Please contact Datacubist support if you need more help on the formula.

– concatenate([A], ‘ (‘, [B], ‘)’)
TARGETPROPERTYTextName or key of a numeric property that exists for the specified object classThe name or key of the numeric property into which the result of the formula is written.


The example below combines the values of the Space Name and Space Number properties into t he Description property such that the space number follows the space name on brackets.