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Validate Text Property Values

In this section you can define validation rules for text properties. You can for example define a list of allowed values for space names, an allowed pattern for building storey names or that space numbers must be unique.

If multiple rules are defined for the same property, the new rules will override the previous ones and only the last rule will be used. However, you can define different rules for the same property in the context of an Object Class and in the context of Groups.

Object or Group [+]TextName or identity keyThe name or identity key of the Object Class, or the name of the Group
Text Property [+]TextName or identity keyThe name or identity key of the Text property
Rule for Text PropertyChoiceThe rule the values of the Text Property must comply with.

The default is ‘Must be one of the values’
Case SensitiveYes/NoPerform case sensitive comparison?
Allow EmptyYes/NoAre empty values allowed? Empty values should be allowed if the property is optional.
SeparatorTextThe character used for separating items in the values list.Leave empty if there is only one item or each item in your list is on its own cell.
Value [+]TextThe list of values.The items in the list can be separated by a separator if you have defined a Separator.

The following table contains a short description of the different rule types

Rule TypeDescription
Must be one of the ValuesA list of allowed values, e.g. the space names from a spatial program.
Must contain one of the ValuesFor example the name of a wall type must contain either ‘int’ or ‘ext’
Must start with one of the ValuesFor example the name of a wall type must start with either ‘int’ or ‘ext’
Must end with one of the ValuesFor example a list or values must be terminated with a separator, like a comma.
Must be like one of the Values (with wildcards)For example the name of a wall type must start with either ‘int’ or ‘ext’ followed by exactly 3 characters. For this you would use ‘int???’, ‘ext???’
Must match one of the Values (regular expression)For example the name of a wall type must start with either ‘int’ or ‘ext’ followed by any number of numbers. For this you would use ‘^int\d{0,}$’, ‘^ext\d{0,}$’
Must have unique valuesFor example that space numbers must be unique
Must not be any of the ValuesFor example the material of a wall must not be a default value, like ‘empty fill’.
Must not contain any of the ValuesFor example that space objects used for modeling building storey areas should not be included. For this you would use ‘gross area’, ‘net area’
Must not start with any of the ValuesFor example that the name of a wall type must not be prefixed with an automatic prefix like ‘Basic Wall’
Must not end with any of the ValuesFor example a list or values must not be terminated with a separator, like a comma.
Must not be like any of the Values (with wildcards)Can be used as an alternative to contains, starts with and ends with.
Must not match any of the Values (regular expression)Can be used as an alternative to contains, starts with and ends with.