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Validate Required Properties

In this section you can define the properties that must have values. If a model does not have objects of a given Object Class or a Group is empty, then the required properties for that Object Class or Group are not validated. You can for example require that the Name property of all Space objects has a value, but this requirement only applies if the model has Space objects.

Object or Group [+]TextName or identity keyThe name or identity key of the Object Class, or the name of the Group

The special value ‘All’ will apply the operation the applicable Properties on all Object Classes that have the corresponding applicable property.
Property [+]TextName or identity keyThe name or identity key of the property

The special value ‘Included’ will apply the operation to all properties that were included for the applicable Object Classes by any template in the current template stack.
Yes/NoYes/NoYes/NoRequire that the Property has values?