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Auto-Assign Containment: Building Storeys

This tool assigns objects to the building storey in which their geometry is located. This tool does not split objects that span multiple building storeys but assigns such objects to the bottom-most storey they are located in.

This tool is useful when the BIM authoring tool does not assign objects to the correct building storey or doesn’t even properly support the concept of building storeys.

By default this tool uses the building storeys that are already defined in the model. You can use add or override buiding storeys to add new building storeys or to override the building storeys in the model. When you add or override, and a building storey with the same name already exists, the existing building storey object is preserved and only the elevation = level is set as needed.If both add and override are defined, then override prevails.

Scope defines which objects are processed by this tool

Configuration Options

When run from the application this tool will run with the default configuration. To use the other configurations you need to run from a template.

SCOPEChoiceALL – All objects (default)
INCLUDED – Only included objects
SELECTED – Only objects that are currently selected in the 3D palette
ADDBUILDINGSTOREYS or OVERRIDEBUILDINGSTOREYSTextThe format for the value is: Name=<name1>;Level=<level1>|Name=<name2>;Level=<level2>Level means the bottom elevation of the building storey. The value of Level must be in the length units of the model. You can use the template to change the model length unit before running the tool.Example: Name=Ground;Level=0|Name=First;Level=3000|Name=Roof;Level=6000