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Author: Jiri Hietanen

IfcTrimmedCurve Issue

This article only applies to the following Simplebim versions Simplebim 10.0 Simplebim...

Configure tools

You can solve a lot of issues with Simplebim tools. Each tool...

Rename Properties

Sometimes you have the right property in your model, but it has...

Automate Bimsheet

You can use Bimsheet also in automation (templates and scripts) with two...

Simplebim changes property names

No, Simplebim does actually not change property names. When Simplebim imports properties...

Reset Workspaces

In Simplebim you have configurable workspaces that you can fine-tune in many...

Enabling Legacy Modules

Enable legacy modules to get back deprecated functionality

Release Notes for Simplebim 10

Full list of new features, enhancements and bug fixes for Simplebim 10.

Selecting User Interface Language

Simplebim supports multiple languages for the user interface and the language can...

Using Custom Temporary Files Folder

Define a custom folder if Simplebim has trouble with temporary files.